Monday, 5 September 2011

Madge Spares No Expense For Boy Toy's Family!


Oh man! It pays to be Brahim Zaibat!

AND his family!

Madonna recently took her boytoy and his family on a weeklong vacation at the Hotel Du Cap in Cap d'Antibes, France, before she took off for the Venice Film Festival to debut her new film, W.E.!

Apaprently, this included Zaibat's mother, Patricia Vidal, his five cousins, and daughter Lourdes - and the entire crew even went clubbing together at the Palais nightclub in Cannes!

A source reveals:

"Madonna went all out to impress Brahim's mum and his cousins. She told them all to order whatever they liked - which they couldn't believe as the bill for one meal alone came to more than a thousand pounds."

Well, it's not like she doesn't have the money to spend!

It IS Madonna, after all!

Such a thoughtful gesture! And so nice that she got to spend some time with her man's extended family!

Hope you guys had a lovely trip!

[Image via WENN.]

Tags: boytoy, brahim zaibat, cap d antibes, family, france, hotel du cap, lourdes leon, madonna, mother, patricia vidal, vacation, venice film festival, w.e.

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