Getting good info on responsible affiliate marketing is hard
Unlike many of the other aspects of internet marketing, affiliate marketing is a much more closed environment. This means that affiliates who receive a great idea are much less likely to share that idea. This doesn’t mean they are bad, it just means that their minds are on making money and only making money.
In all honesty, this mindset is a fabulous one to have to make money, but it is on a different fork of the road than most SEO/SEM type things, in the sharing department.
When an affiliate marketer hears a good idea, their mind set is usually… “that might work for me, I am gonna try it” their mindset is not… “oh. What a valuable idea, I should share that.”
In other words, you are not likely to get a buttload of links for even the most valuable post about affiliate marketing techniques. You may, however find yourself with something even better.
Rabid fans.
I really like that Outspokenmedia covers affiliate conferences, I like even more that they cover the right ones.
I know all the people involved in such conferences and I know which ones have value and which do not.
If we all used the Rand Fishkin mathmatics of what is worth writing about (possibility of getting links plus possibility of getting more links = worth of content) then alot of valuable stuff would not get covered.
Long story short, Outspokenmedia seems to do a great job accross the board of making posts that are useful and linkworthy, and I think it is great they cover affiliate marketing conferences. Like the recent several posts they did on Affiliate Summit which is a good conference run by people I know and trust.
If you are trying to make money off the web, I would check out their coverage on their blog. They go there, they cover the sessions, and do a great job.
The point here I am trying to make isn’t just that Outspokenmedia did some great blog posts, it is actually more about the usefulness and wisdom of writing about items of interest without regard to their possibility or probability of getting links. We all need to get links, but every post need not be link bait. Posts should help and pleasure and inform your readers.
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