I am congratulating SEOmoz not only on their new office (which looks cool as poo).
But more for their new hires. I think one of the better moves they have made was to hire Jennifer.
Jennifer Lopez
I do not know the inner workings of SEOmoz, but I can confidently say that Jennifer is one of the more impressive people I have met and dealt with in the last few years (I don’t remember when we actually met, but as you all know I am usually drunk).
One of the first conversations about Jennifer I ever had was someone accusing me of “trying to steal her”. I sorta was. update: I was trying to “steal” her because she was a talented developer who understood stuff I was talking about. She was clearly a talent.
She really got what I was talking about when I talked (and for anyone who has ever talked to me you know that is a feat). Later, for another company I suggested we use her, and when I contacted her that time, she again understood what I wanted, and she provided a very professional outline for the project.
When she was applying for SEOmoz she asked if I would recommended her, well the truth was, I would have jumped through rings of fire for her to get that job. One of my happier moments was when I learned they had hired her.
Danny Dover
The other impressive person I have always admired is Danny Dover, who started writing great straightforward posts that in my opinion had been missing since Matt left. In addition to being smart and able, he also had the balls to accept my invitation to fly out to Arizona one time for a party where I was supposedly going to drink him under the table.
I didn’t, but in my defense I was drinking for hours before he showed up.
But the real point here is that Danny writes really useful stuff. I admire that.
Another wonderful new hire is Joanna Lord.
Joanna Lord
Joanna is like 27 times smarter that anyone talking to her realizes.
I am not sure what her role will end up being for SEOmoz, but if they are using her for their clients PPC then they are likely having some very happy clients.
I think nowadays it is alot more clear how talented she is because she has been speaking up a storm at conferences.
What a great addition to an already great staff.
Why am I writing This?
I used to be an avid contributor to SEOmoz and I stopped. I have to admit, as many of my contempories know and maybe feel themselves, there was a certain personality to SEOmoz a few years ago.
I had a comfort zone that included Rebecca, Matt, Scott, and Jane. They were a big part of why I was there. It was like a family to me.
Three of those people are now gone, but I really think it is time to take a second look at SEOmoz again, at least that is what I will be doing.
I hope others do too. It has always been a great community and it is chock full of great talent again.
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