Friday, 22 July 2011

Google+ Traffic Growth Continues, Up 283% From Previous Week

Numbers from Experian Hitwise show that Google+ showed big gains again last week.  For the week ending on July 16th Google+ saw over 1.8 million total visits.  This is a 283% increase from the previous week and an increase of 821% from the week of July2nd.

The following chart shows the total US visits to Google+:

Other pertinent stats released include gender & demographic data, overall site popularity and traffic sources.  Hitwise states that 57% of the total visits are from males, even though other reports show a much higher percentages of actual users being male.  The largest demographic of visitors over the last week four weeks was the 25-34 age range which made up 38.37% of the total traffic.

Google was a leading traffic source for their own social network, sending 56% of the upstream traffic to Google+ from their various properties. led the way for this traffic, accounting for 34% % of the total upstream traffic.

For more information, see the Experian Hitwise blog.

Related Topics: Google: Google+

About The Author: Greg Finn is the Chief Marketing Officer for Cypress North, a company that specializes in social media and search marketing services and web-based application development. He has been in the Internet marketing industry for 6+ years and specializes in Social Media Marketing. You can also find Greg on Twitter (@gregfinn) or LinkedIn. See more articles by Greg Finn

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