Thursday, 7 July 2011

Search Engine Optimization: Facts and FAQ on SEO for Beginners

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

In a simple words, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can be defined as the Do's and Don'ts of Search engines that if followed properly can improve the visibility of your website which will eventually lead to better sales and promotion of your website, products and services. How?

When you launch a new website it is obvious that you will be among the millions. And among those thousands that even Google doesn't know about their existence. And a week passes by with just one or two visitors with zero contribution. It is obvious to get frustrated. But, it is more obvious to have a question in your mind what other websites are doing so that they are ranking in the first page and what you did that you got lost in the piles of search results? And the only answer is SEO! Hence, from driving visitors to your website to make your website visible in the Google and to earn better sales and promotion Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is only the solution that has no other options.

Search engine optimization is the booster pack that has all the necessary tools to optimize your website for search engines like Google and to make your business visible in the market among your probable buyers. In fact, all the websites no matter what they sell and what services they provide, if they are ranking in the first page then the reason is Search Engine Optimization and nothing else.

Why You Need Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?


Traffic is something that comes at the first because the entire motive of SEO is to gain quality traffic for better sells and services. Hence, SEO is crucial factor for gaining traffic and visitors for any website because without traffic or buyers no business can be exist.


Visibility is very crucial when it comes to e-marketing because unless you gain a good visibility from your traffic there is no way you can promote your business and make better sells. And visibility can only be gain with better optimization of your website including both off page and on page optimization in your website.


Goodwill is always the main concern of any business organization and today when there is so many online businesses, placing your website can be your one more effort to prove your care for your buyers cannot have easy access to your services and updates. Your website can not only update your customers about the changes you do in your services and facilities but it also helps to bind them so that you don't lose even those who are far from you.

Going Global:

Going global use to be a dream decades ago and nearly impossible even if the business organization was strong because there was the huge gap between developing and under developed countries and means of supplies were very rare. But, today this opportunity is easy and even small businesses can serve their clients who live beyond the seven seas.

Easy and Economical Marketing:

Online marketing is economical and easy as well. When compared with the off web marketing your expenses are very high because you need manpower to promote and the cost of advertisements are also very high. But, with the growing web surfers business marketing has become very economical because even the social bookmarking sites like: offers your advertisements low cost whereas the features they provide are enormous. Similarly, it is easy because you can promote your business with a click and completely reduces your manpower budget.

All of the above listed advantages are worthy only if you rank well in Google and other major search engines. With poor placement and zero page rank no customers will know your existence in the internet and there is no question of building goodwill.

Black Hat and White Hat SEO:

Black hat and white SEO is two different stream of SEO which are distinctly different from one another. Black hat SEO represents those people who are engaged in unethical SEO practices like: keyword stuffing, link farming and article spinning which can seriously hamper your website and your online business. Google is found to banned and delist such websites who are engaged in such practices.

Similarly, white hat SEO is the ethical way of competing in the search engine to gain desired page rank following the do's and don'ts of Google.

Free Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

Free search engine optimization is "IMPOSSIBLE" but when it comes with free there are many things that hurt later. SEO being such an amazing tool to generate millions of dollars from a website that just needs regular optimization and quality services can never be free. But, to aware you there are many bad apples in the sack of SEO that has often found to hurt people.

Going for cheaper SEO services or looking for free items can really hurt your website reputation and using black hat SEO which many so called SEO's use can collapse your website performance and even Google can ban you forever. Hence, we highly suggest go for the real ones rather than looking for free and cheaper which can later result worst.

First Place Guarantee in Google:

There are many SEO related websites that often guarantee you the first place in Google. These are the bad apples in the SEO sack because when it comes to SEO no one can guarantee you the first place because Google itself doesn't guarantee these things. And if there is someone then I highly suggest you to quit before waiting those SEO's to hurt you.

Possible Guarantee for the First Place:

Although no one can guarantee the first place there has been many incidents where some SEO companies has proved this but the trick they do is simple and unethical. These SEO companies simply find the keywords which are related to your business and optimize your website in those keywords which though relates to your business but has no search queries from the visitors. Hence, optimizing your website in such keywords where buyer has no interest can give you the first place but will eventually end with zero traffic and sells. Hence, this trick is to mislead the website owners and to loot them which are unethical SEO that should be avoided.

What is SEM?

SEM refers to Search Engine Marketing which is another strong tool for online marketing. Most of the SEO consultant services also offer these services. In general it is the combination of SEO and PPC to boost your Google placement and boom your traffic.

Places to Report Spam:

If you have encountered any spam or any SEO related website has deceive you then there are places where you can complain and necessary action can be expected. Websites like: " "has all necessary list of websites that can help you to fight against internet crimes and other fraud websites.

Author: Kiran Bista

Search Engine Optimization(SEO)
Optimizing Engine

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