Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web.
From Search Engine Land:
Google Realtime Search & The Aftermath Of The Google-Twitter SplitLast Friday, Twitter quietly shutdown its “firehose” of tweet data that was being piped to Google. Like a gas station no longer getting deliveries, Google in turn effectively had to hang a “Closed” sign on its Google Realtime Search service. What happened, and what’s next for those who depended on Google to get some of [...]
A Step By Step Guide To Effective Online Article MarketingOnline article marketing can effectively improve organic search results in a number of ways: Improve visibility for your target keyword phrases Obtain traffic for additional (long tail) keyword searches Assist in building awareness and reputation Increase targeted traffic from other quality related websites Helps attract more incoming links to your site Helps make your website [...]
But Wait, There’s More! 3 SEM Lessons From Infomercials & Direct Response MediaThe $150 billion infomercial industry uses lines such as, “but wait, there’s more” and “if operators are busy, please call again” to create a sense of urgency and boost response rates. Given marketers’ success advertising on television, what lessons can you apply to your online marketing efforts? Let’s explore the following three principles: Your customers [...]
Google Maps For Android Lets You Download Maps For Offline UseThe Google Blog announced that you can now download maps on your Android device so that you can access maps and directions even without a data connection. The feature is a Google Labs feature currently available for Android users who are willing to experiment with new, beta features. It is called “Download map area” and [...]
Google: Hold Off On Creating Business Profiles On Google+, “Non-User Profiles” Will Be Shut DownTonight Christian Oestlien, the Ads Leads for the Google+ Project, posted a message along with a brief YouTube video about future Google+ plans on his Google+ account. The video is just over a minute, but Christian covers a variety of topics. The most important of which is that users should refrain from creating business profiles. [...]
Search News From Around The Web:
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Recent Hot Items From Sphinn, Our Social News Sharing Site:
My Google Panda Damage Report – It wasn’t too long ago that the Google Panda algorithmic update was announced (I blogged about Panda recently), and it is probably the biggest topic in the SEO industry right now. Mostly because a lot of people got mortally wounded by it. This is how it affected me, as far as I can see.12 Flavors of Content To Attract Your Audience – Here are 12 NEW content flavors to help you attract your audience. How can you work them into what you’re already doing?The Number One Least Asked Question in Social Media…Why? – Brian Solis does it again, offering up some great insight on the consumer's perspective and why that's the most important thing to consider when crafting a corporate social media strategy.Creative Tips For Link Building On A Shoestring Budget – Julie Joyce shares some great tips on how to build links for sites that have even the smallest of budgets.Google As a Social Search Engine: Aardvark Answers & Circle Posts in Google Search Results? – Now it appears that Aardvark-type social answers may become answers that appear in Google Search results, as seen in a Google patent application from May. It’s also possible that, given Google’s latest foray into social networking, that a question and answer service based upon Aardvark might play a larger role in Google’s social networking applications. Ask a question in Google+ and get the answer on the SERPs?Related Topics: SearchCap

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