Friday, 22 July 2011

SEO Writing Rates - Why $100 Or More Per Article is Possible

Would you believe that getting $100 per article or more is possible for SEO content. When you consider that many SEO copywriters take on $3 per article writing gigs, you may be thinking, "How is this possible; what do I need to do to get even $50 for an SEO article?"

To answer this question, this article will detail some overall practices SEO copywriters should follow to get more for their writing expertise.

SEO Copywriters: 2 Things You Can Do to Break the $100/Article Mark

(I) Bottom Line Rate: Every freelance writer should have a floor beneath which they will not go, ie, a bottom-line rate. Making this a standard practice will make it easy to determine which jobs to accept and which jobs to turn down.

And, this is especially true when it comes to evaluating "bulk" job opportunities. In internet marketing, many clients present SEO copywriters with bulk projects (eg, 10 articles and 5 blog posts for client site "X").

Many SEO copywriters, especially new ones, salivate over these types of opportunities, but waver when it comes to how much to charge. Offering a discount for bulk projects is great, but don't work for slave wages.

(II) Know Your Stuff: SEO copywriting is a fairly new industry. As such, you'd think that SEO writers would be able to charge a premium. This is not the case.

However, SEO copywriters who know their stuff can charge a premium because clients can immediately sense that they know what they're talking about. In many cases, clients are unaware of all of the practices, rules and guidelines around SEO (eg, black hat tactics, keyword discovery, site navigation, keyword density, etc.).

If you're an SEO copywriter, it's incumbent upon you to study SEO so that you can not only offer your clients value for their money, but offer them a range of services. Becoming a one-stop, SEO shop can lead to more business than you can handle.

SEO Copywriters: Key Internet Marketing Services You Can Offer

What are some key internet marketing services you can offer as an SEO copywriter? SEO Article Writing, Meta Tag Writing, Blog Posting and Article Submission for starters. There are quite a few others.

Forward-thinking SEO copywriters know that getting paid $100 for an SEO article is less about the rate, and more about what it represents -- their expertise in internet marketing and SEO concepts.

About the Author: Yuwanda Black is a freelance SEO writer and the author of How to Make $250+/Day Writing Simple, 500-Word Articles. Ms. Black says, "You can work from home as a freelance SEO writer and make hundreds of dollars a day. I'm proof!" Learn more about how to start a successful freelance writing career as an SEO writer.

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